Our Savior was Torah-Observant, Why Aren't You?
Anomia: The Key to Scriptural Faith
This paper show how a translators' bias can alter what is plainly stated in the original Greek. Paul spoke and thought in Hebrew, any reference to behavior concerned Torah.
Adonai's System of Grace/Reward
This paper demonstrates that Adonai's system of grace/reward is consistent throughout the Scriptures. Grace is received by belief while Rewards are bestowed to the Obedient.
The Book of Acts Alone
In the book of Acts there is an abundance of evidence that the Torah was still in effect and that eternal life is obtained by more than confession.
The "Curse of The Law"
This paper shows how Messiah freed us from the "curse consequences" of Torah (Deut 28), but we are still required to keep the written law just as we are expected to obey traffic laws, etc.
Real Tithing
I had always been taught we are to give 10% of our income to the "church" every week (isn't it amazing that only the tithe survived the OT), but what do the Scriptures actually say...
Mystery Babylon: Eyes Wide Shut
This pdf version of the video walks through the overwhelming evidence of the pagan roots of Catholicism/Protestantism and describes what real followers of Messiah should be doing.
The 613 Commandments
This paper lists the dreaded 613 commandments that make up "the law". Have a look then ask yourself, "Is this a burden or just common sense on how to relate to my fellow man?".
Your Adversary the devil
This paper looks at the devils traits and tactics. Showing how over the course of 6,000 years his subtle twists have decieved mankind; calling good evil and evil good.
Constantine's Oath
If you have any doubts about who/what is the "false church", you will the answer contained in the actual oath administered in Constantinople 325CE.
The Dietary Rules Are Still Valid
This paper discusses the true meaning of Peter's vision in Acts 10 about "clean and unclean". If Peter was not expected to still keep dietary restrictions after the cruxificion then clean and unclean would be moot concepts.
Torah-Obedient Gentiles
This paper clearly demonstrates that gentile converts were keeping the 7 festivals and observing Torah long after the cruxificion. The evidence is overwhelming you just need to read with understanding (the Set-Apart Spirit).
Rhetorical Questions
What does it hurt to review your insurance policy? These are 20 plus rhetiorical questions that you may not have heard/thought of. When dealing with eternity, better safe than sorry.